Fergus Falls Monument Co.
Since 1883
In the late 1800's Martin T. Nelson and T.H. Thoreson started a coal and lumber yard which they later developed into a profitable business. They also started a monument business, right alongside their coal yard, at 219 E. Lincoln Ave. When Mr. Thoreson died, Mr. Nelson ran both businesses but, after a few years, decided it was too much to handle alone and sold out to Ben Molstre.
After a few hard years, Ben decided to sell in 1922. The buyers were Carrol Wesland and Mr. Karlson, who managed to get the monument business really going. Before they sold out in 1938 they installed the electric crane and modernized the air tools.
For the next nine years Knute Hanson and Ten Norman managed the business. They sold many beautiful monuments, some of which took five men working seven or eight days to finish. In 1947 they sold the business to two brothers, Elmer and Charles Johnson.
After a few years Elmer decided to leave the business, so he sold his share to another brother, Albert. Albert and Charles worked together until 1949 when they sold out to Earl Philips.
Mr Philips ran into some some trouble with the business and, after only three years of ownership, sold it to the Welle Brothers.
Ralph and Gilbert successfully increased their sales and manpower to the point that the Fergus Falls Monument Company became well known in certain areas of the tri-state region. In 1961 Gilbert had a heart attack and passed away; Ralph continued to manage the business until 1970 when he was killed in a car- truck accident. Since that time, Ralph's sons, Bob and Tom Welle, have managed the Fergus Falls Monument Company. They moved to their new location on Pebble Lake Road in 1977. They strive to maintain the reputation they have established of offering high quality at a reasonable price.
Fergus Falls Monument Co.
1710 Pebble Lake Rd
Fergus Falls MN 56537-9806
Tel: 218 736-3228
Fax: 218 739-6520
E-mail: welle1@prtel.com
